SOA | BPM | Middleware

SOA, a powerful software architectural pattern, orchestrates structured collections of services to deliver the full functionality of a system. This approach ensures reusability and accessibility across various applications, even those of your competitors, fostering a dynamic ecosystem.

Challenges & Solutions:

Our SOA model, SOMA, is meticulously crafted to navigate challenges seamlessly.

Identification & Specification of Services (SOMA):

Assemble: Design, develop, and test independent service modules.
Model: Analyze and model services for optimal performance.
Deploy: Seamlessly deploy and modify services at runtime.
Manage: Monitor, evaluate performance, secure, audit, retire, and remove services.

Application Development Methodology:

Based on IBM RUP for SOMA model, our methodology includes service and component identification, specification, realization decisions, and SOA implementation.

SOA Offerings:

Explore our comprehensive suite of SOA offerings, including IBM SOA Suite, WebSphere products, Tivoli Composite Application Manager, and Oracle SOA solutions, ensuring your business operates at the forefront of technological innovation.

Business Process Management (BPM):

Fundamentally, BPM is the art of modeling and automating business processes to enhance profitability. At Logicque, we redefine BPM through the following phases:

Analyze: Understand business processes and identify areas for improvement.
Optimize: Utilize data from the Manage phase to enhance processes, automate tasks, and modify reports.
Cycle Continues: Embrace change as a constant. As businesses evolve, so should your BPM cycle, ensuring processes align with dynamic business goals.

Industry Expertise:

As an industry expert, Logicque understands that BPM is not just about managerial skills but also about leveraging tools for process repeatability. Our SOA offerings, including IBM and Oracle solutions, empower businesses to optimize processes, free up resources, and stay ahead in a dynamic market.

Join Logicque in embracing change, optimizing processes, and staying at the forefront of innovation. Our SOA solutions and BPM expertise ensure your business evolves strategically, aligning with your goals at every stage of the dynamic BPM cycle. Welcome to a future where efficiency, adaptability, and excellence converge seamlessly.

Get to know more about SOA | BPM | Middleware

Logicque Inc leverages the powerful SOA architectural pattern, SOMA, to orchestrate modular services, ensuring reusability and accessibility across applications, with comprehensive offerings including IBM and Oracle solutions, driving business process optimization and strategic evolution in a dynamic market.